Buy roses in Dnipro by pcs.
Are you looking for where you can buy fresh roses in the Dnieper by the piece and in a bouquet? You can on our website, we will deliver the purchased roses in Dnepropetrovsk to the specified address and at the specified time. Wholesale and retail trade in flowers in Dnepropetrovsk, delivery to work, office or home, special conditions for regular customers.
In the catalog of the site, you can choose any color of the rose by the piece, if there is no need to take a large bouquet or if you want a certain amount that is not presented on the site
Large selection of roses in Dnepropetrovsk, buy roses of varieties: Grand Prix, Taleya, Ilios, Peach Avalanche, Avalanche, Wow, El-Tora, Aqua, Miss Piggy. Local rose 50 to 90 cm tall with a medium-sized bud
We also have imported Dutch roses in Dnepropetrovsk: Freedom, Hi-Magic, Sweetness, Mondial, Topas, Blash. Imported roses range from 80 cm to 150 cm, with a large bud!
The cost of roses per piece is from 31 UAH. with delivery when ordering large quantities (75, 101, etc.)! You can buy roses by the piece in Dnepropetrovsk with home or office delivery here!